Asheville Psychologist, Deborah Barnett, Ph.D.


Asheville Psychology -Asheville Psychologist Deborah Barnett, Ph.D.

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Rose - Asheville PsychologistAre you seeking support in addressing psychological, physical and spiritual challenges that are impacting you mood and well-being?

Deborah Barnett, Ph.D. is a psychologist with training in traditional and alternative psychological treatment modalities. Dr. Barnett practices in Asheville, North Carolina. She also offers consultations and coaching by phone.

Is your mood not as great as you would like it to be? Do you feel “stuck” or that you could be functioning at a higher level of well-being and productivity?

There are so many factors that impact our mood and level of well-being:

Neurotransmitter and Hormonal Imbalance –can lead to anxiety, depression, difficulty focusing and other symptoms

The Environment – air pollution and fluorescent lighting cause not only physical symptoms but also jitteriness.

Stress – we are constantly bombarded with information and situations in our lives on a daily basis, which can often keep us in a state of hyper-arousal, referred to as the “fight or flight” response. Over time, a constant level of stress can cause us to be irritable, short-tempered, teary, jittery and anxious. It also causes wear and tear on the body. Estimates are that 60% to 70% of hospital visits are stress related.

Physical Ailments – many physical ailments and especially pain, decrease mood and increase stress.

Diet – a lack of nutrients or an imbalance of nutrients can lead to symptoms such as sluggishness all the way up to serious mental illness.

Sleep – a lack of sleep or too much sleep can impact mental clarity and irritably.

Spiritual Experiences – Spiritual challenges or times of spiritual change in one’s life can cause
 feelings of loneliness.

Exercise – Exercise is beneficial to help regulate hormones and can alleviate and ward off depression.David & Geneva - Asheville Psychologist

With so many factors influencing our emotional well-being, it can be challenging to sort everything out and to find an effective solution to feeling better. Dr. Deborah Barnett is a holistic psychologist. She uses an integrative approach to supporting you in addressing your emotional, physical and spiritual challenges. Not only does Dr. Barnett utilize her Positive Psychology approach to help you identify and build your psychological and emotional resources. She can also support you by suggesting additional resources that you many find beneficial. The result is that that your concerns are addressed quickly so that you regain your well-being and succeed in thriving.